William K. McLaughlin Associates
For over 59 years we have assisted patent attorneys in finding positions with leading law firms and corporations throughout the United States. We have openings for patent attorneys in all technical arts. All placements are employer fee paid. To discuss your career objectives, receive assistance with resume preparation and information on current and past openings, call, fax, or e-mail our offices.
Our database includes the resumes of over 35,000 patent attorneys and patent agents, and we have placed thousands of our candidates. Amongst our clients and contacts are General Counsels, Chief Patent Counsels and partners in most major law firms.
When you send us your resume, it will be treated confidentially. Your name, background and current affiliation will not be released to any prospective employer without your permission. It is understood that permission is granted on an employer by employer basis. Each employer will be advised that information pertaining to your background, as well as the inquiry itself, is to be held in strict confidence. Upon your request, we will sign and send you a confidentiality letter.
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